
发布时间:2023-08-12 14:30:01


cr:等等 (xhs)There are many things in life that can be put down. Only when you can put it down can you take it up. Simplify your life as much as you can, and you'll find that the best places to live are those that are blocked. Do not be too persistent, and make their own back a heavy burden.人生中有许多东西是可以放下的。只有放得下,才能拿得起。尽量简化你的生活,你会发现那些被挡住的风景,才是最适宜的人生。千万不要过于的执着,而使自己背上沉重的包袱。

寂寞的人总是会用心的记住他生命中出现过的每一个人,于是我总是意犹未尽地想起你 在每个星光陨落的晚上一遍一遍数我的寂寞

YNo one needs no repetition, no practice, no improvement, all at once can be done. The overestimation of one's self is terrible: it delays one's own progress and hinders one's own wisdom.After breaking up the most hurtful, not each other's cruelty, not each 没有人无需重复,无需练习,无需改进,一下子就可以做到极致。人对自己的高估是很可怕:既耽误自己的上进,也妨碍自己的明


It is better to win applause with sweat than with tears. Sometimes life is like a race. No one cares if you fall in the middle of the race. Everyone is concerned about your results. The process of running is happy and painful!


No one needs no repetition, no practice, no improvement, all at once can be done. The overestimation of one's self is terrible: it delays one's own progress and hinders one's own wisdom.


Life, there are always some things we need to deal with their own. No matter there is no help, no matter there is no help, belong to their own, again bitter also have to hold on, again pain also have to carry on.


Patience is not passive waiting, but like a flash in the PAN to accumulate nutrients; patience is not poor to ease, but like a Cicada worm quietly sharpen self-improvement, patience is not to swallow it, but like a penguin struggling to accumulate potential.



