男生头像:给时间时间 让过去过去 让开始开始
You have your background and I have my story. If you don't understand my story, don't give me any extra comments. Don't look at me today with yesterday's eyes.end your mood in the circle of friends
8. In the world, this is everyone's snow, everyone's obscurity and brightness.9. Later I realized that we can work hard on many things, but not between people. The one who can reach the end is actually a fellow traveler at the beginning.10. In this world, no one can really feel the pain of another person. Your heart is pierced by thousands of arrows. You are in agony. It's only your own business.11. Life can be simple, but not easy.12. You have to contend with me. I will never be generous. You have to be very generous. I'm definitely brighter than you. Your heart for my heart, true to true.13. The function of the alarm clock is to make me sleep in a different position.14. No matter how painful things you experience, they will gradually forget in the end. Because, nothing can rival time.15. It's better to open the window and embrace the vast starry sky that God has given us than to be trapped in his own thoughts and hurt the sad autumn.16. Life is so long. The gains and losses of those cities and pools are nothing compared with the distance you
开学前,我回母校。七妹和几个女生正在校内的池塘边洗涤,一见到我,她马上停下手中的活计向我走来,关切的说:“九满,听说你今年考的不错?”我虽内心高兴,但是,面对失落的女孩,只得装着无所谓的样子对她说:“还行吧。”由于有些紧张,想好的那些安慰她的话却无法启齿。但是,她关爱我的神态,却让我终生难忘。 第二年,我回老家度暑假,听说七妹录到益阳师专,我打心底里为她高兴,但胆怯的我不敢独自去向七妹表达我的喜悦,便约同学文一起去看她。
开学前,我回母校。七妹和几个女生正在校内的池塘边洗涤,一见到我,她马上停下手中的活计向我走来,关切的说:“九满,听说你今年考的不错?”我虽内心高兴,但是,面对失落的女孩,只得装着无所谓的样子对她说:“还行吧。”由于有些紧张,想好的那些安慰她的话却无法启齿。但是,她关爱我的神态,却让我终生难忘。 第二年,我回老家度暑假,听说七妹录到益阳师专,我打心底里为她高兴,但胆怯的我不敢独自去向七妹表达我的喜悦,便约同学文一起去看她。