发布时间:2024-06-10 13:18:58
?We will appreciate if you can offer any feedback on the recent order ?Are there any areas where you feel we could enhance or improve?So we will meets your needs better nexe time
?As you have rich experience in the industry ,do you have any recommendation or observations about our products or services?we would appreciate any guldance you can provide
#外贸话术 #外贸获客金句 #外贸表情包分享 #表情包 #英语表情包 #外贸表情包 #外贸人可爱表情包 #外贸人如何开发客户 #外贸 #外贸客户谈判 #外贸人表情包 #小新表情包分享 #蜡笔小新 #蜡笔小新表情包 #外贸售后
?We will appreciate if you can offer any feedback on the recent order ?Are there any areas where you feel we could enhance or improve?So we will meets your needs better nexe time
?As you have rich experience in the industry ,do you have any recommendation or observations about our products or services?we would appreciate any guldance you can provide
#外贸话术 #外贸获客金句 #外贸表情包分享 #表情包 #英语表情包 #外贸表情包 #外贸人可爱表情包 #外贸人如何开发客户 #外贸 #外贸客户谈判 #外贸人表情包 #小新表情包分享 #蜡笔小新 #蜡笔小新表情包 #外贸售后