表情包 | 再说一句 就烦了
发布时间:2024-05-01 15:44:26
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Today's wind has made me understand that no love is OK, but no trousers.今天的风可算把我吹明白了,原来没爱可以,但没秋裤绝对不行。Today, when I saw my old classmate living under the overpass, I smiled proudly. The overpass he chose was not as good as mine.今天看到老同学住在天桥下,我得意地笑了,他选的这个天桥,没我选的好。Show you the daily life of beautiful girls and their increasingly rounded faces.The success or failure of a chess game is not in one move, but in one move; life is wonderful, not in one dynasty, but in one dynasty.棋局成败,不在一招,而在招招;人生精彩,不在一朝,而在朝朝。I don't dare to clean the room too clean. I'm afraid it's too clean. The only garbage in the room is me.不敢把房间打扫得太干净,怕打扫太干净,房间里唯一的垃圾,就只剩下我自己啦。Why do you start with brain cells when others lose weight and lose hips.I saw a book called "Solve 50% of Your Life's Problems" in a bookstore and I bought two copies.我在书店看到一本书叫《解决你人生50%的难题》然后我就买了两本。If you have something to call, don't worry about hundreds of people, I will solve half of it for you as soon as I arrive, half of you and half of me.有事儿打电话,别管几百人,我一到场就替你解决一半,一半打你 一半打我。