发布时间:2022-10-23 17:10:37

我的一年,活了一天,重复364遍。My year, I lived for a day, and I repeated it 364 times.
上帝操纵棋手,棋手摆弄棋子,上帝背后,又是哪位神袛设下的尘埃,时光,梦境和苦痛的羁绊。God manipulates chess players, and chess players fiddle with chess pieces. Behind God, which god set the fetters of dust, time, dreams and pain.
压抑情绪这件事,越来越顺手。It's getting easier and easier to suppress emotions.

日子越久就越旧,越旧就越舍不得丢掉。 The longer the day, the older it gets, the more reluctant it is to throw it away.
以前拼了命的玩,现在玩了命的拼。I used to fight like hell, but now I fight like hell.
最舒服的关系是可以说废话。The most comfortable relationship is that you can talk nonsense.
远离让自己掉价的事,双手合十成为自己的神。 Keep yourself away from fall in price and become your own god with your hands folded.