壁纸丨天上的云 雾里的风 °°◞

发布时间:2022-07-26 11:15:12

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                                                                                                      人生处处是选择,所以当你选择时一定要慎重,放弃选择时一定要三思。因为很多时候放弃就意味着一无所有。把握自己的选择,才能赢得更好,更绚丽的生活!Life is full of choices, so when you choose, you must be careful. When you give up, you must think twice. Because many times giving up means nothing. Grasp their own choice, in order to win a better, more colorful life!如果你不想花时间去创造想要的生活,那将被迫花很多时间去应付不想要的生活。If you don't want to spend time creating the life you want, you will be forced to spend a lot of time dealing with the life you don't want.


                                                                                                    蒋方舟所说:“真正欣赏你的人,是欣赏你骄傲的样子,而不是你故作谦卑或者故作讨喜的样子。”Jiang Fangzhou said: "the people who really appreciate you are those who appreciate your pride, not those who pretend to be humble or pleasing."穿着打扮上颜色越素的人,内心想的越多。反而那些颜色花哨的人内心比较单纯。The more plain people dress, the more they think.On the contrary, those colorful people are more simple in heart.

                                                                                                      等你长大了,你就会发现,不是什么事都可以重头开始的。When you grow up, you will find that not everything can start all over again.有智慧的人是由无数个无知者堆积起来的。Wise people are piled up by countless ignorant people.有点忙碌是个福,免得无聊;受点诽谤也是福,免得骄傲。A little busy is a blessing, so as not to be bored; It's also a blessing to be slandered, so as not to be proud.生活于我们,是一道绚丽的风景,而经历,恰似一把锁,锁着风轻云淡,锁着或悲或喜,锁着无奈和忧郁Living in us is a beautiful scenery, and experience,It's like a lock. It's light and cloudy, sad or happy, helpless and melancholy

                                                                                                     人生就像一场长跑,跑得太快,容易后劲不足;跑得太慢,就会落伍;中途退出,就会断送以前的努力;不参加,就没有赢得比赛的机会。要想比别人优秀,就要付出十分的努力。Life is like a long run, too fast, easy to lack stamina; If you run too slowly, you will fall behind; If you quit halfway, you will lose your previous efforts; If you don't take part, you have no chance to win the game. If you want to be better than others, you have to make great efforts.我并不漂亮,没有开挂的人生,我是张三是李四,是芸芸众生中最普通的一个,经常被生活锤的心灰意冷,但从未放弃!I'm not beautiful, no open life, I'm Zhang San, Li Si, is the most common one among all living beings, often frustrated by life hammer, but never give up!

                                               *图片来源于网络 如有侵权 请联系删除



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