表情包 | 你给我下了什么药?让我每天都想你

1. 你是我的阳光,照亮了我所有的黑暗。 - You are my sunshine, illuminating all my darkness.
2. 爱情就像一朵花,需要用心去呵护它,才能绽放得更加美丽动人。- Love is like a flower, it needs to be carefully nurtured to bloom more beautifully and charmingly.
3. 如果有来生,我还要嫁给你。- If there is another life, I will still marry you.
4. 我喜欢和你在一起时,感觉时间变得很慢,因为我想要珍藏每一个和你共度的瞬间。- I enjoy being with you because time seems to slow down, as I want to treasure every moment we spend together.
5. 喜欢你的那种感觉,就像是握住了一颗温暖的心脏。- The feeling of liking you is like holding a warm heart in my hand.
6. 在每个黎明前,我们都经历了漫长的黑暗夜晚,但只要有你在身边,我就不怕任何黑暗。- Before every dawn, we go through long dark nights, but as long as you're with me, I'm not afraid of any darkness.
7. 每次看到你,我的心都会漾起涟漪,如同被温柔拥抱。- Every time I see you, ripples rise in my heart, as if I'm being gently embraced.
8. 我喜欢你微笑时眼睛弯弯的样子,就像是春天里的阳光。- I like the way your eyes curve when you smile, just like the sunshine in spring.
9. 和你在一起,我感到很轻松自在,仿佛拥有了整个世界。- Being with you makes me feel relaxed and comfortable, as if I own the whole world.
10. 爱情是相互倾诉的心灵舞蹈,需要用真心去跳才能跳出美妙的旋律。- Love is a soul dance of mutual communication, it needs to be danced with sincerity to create a wonderful melody.
11. 我想将所有的甜言蜜语都给你,因为你值得拥有最好的一切。- I want to give you all the sweet words, because you deserve the best.
12. 愿我们的爱情如同一杯清茶,淡淡的滋味中带着浓浓的思念和温暖。- May our love be like a cup of clear tea, with a light taste of longing and warmth.