COS性感 美女壁纸
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漫漫人生途中,总少不了孤独,失败等一系列的负面情绪,在这些时候,我们该给自己一点掌声。即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能脚踏实地地迈一步In the long journey of life, there is always a series of negative emotions, such as loneliness, failure, etc. . At these times, we should give ourselves a little applause. Even if you climb the highest mountain, you can only take Down to Earth step at a time

漫漫人生途中,总少不了孤独,失败等一系列的负面情绪,在这些时候,我们该给自己一点掌声。即使爬到最高的山上,一次也只能脚踏实地地迈一步In the long journey of life, there is always a series of negative emotions, such as loneliness, failure, etc. . At these times, we should give ourselves a little applause. Even if you climb the highest mountain, you can only take Down to Earth step at a time

一个人的成熟,不是经历多少,而是经历后的沉淀和思考;一个人的痛苦,不是颓唐多少,而是痛苦后的醒悟和审视。一个人的人生,不在于成败,而是风雨中的坚强和执着。A person's maturity, not experienced how much, but after the experience of precipitation and thinking; a person's pain, not decadent how much, but after the awakening and examination of pain. A person's life, not success or failure, but the wind and rain in the strong and persistent.

图文来自网络 侵联删
