壁纸丨七日不见 如隔一周·͜·˖˖ ︎

发布时间:2022-10-26 12:47:28

全世界有趣的灵魂都关注了 真真同学啊

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                                                                                                                                                                                                                          11、我想告诉你的是,心软和不好意思,只会帮助别人杀死你自己。What I want to tell you is, soft hearted and embarrassed,It will only help others to kill yourself.12、你不想的事情就拒绝吧,别不好意思,你又不指望着他生活。You don't want things to refuse it, don't be embarrassed, you don't expect him to live.13、我告诉你,你不会突然间就变得勤奋,你只有每天努力一点,每天努力一点,你才会慢慢勤奋。I tell you, you will not suddenly become diligent, you only work a little bit every day, every day, you will slowly diligent.
                                                                                                                                                                                              14、你觉得这个不好,那个不好,请问你什么条件啊?家里有矿啊。You think this is not good, that is not good. What are your conditions? There is a mine at home.15、自己的世界没必要让很多人都懂,一个人挺好的,像个男人一样坚强一点。Their own world does not need to let many people understand, a person is very good, like a man as strong.1、你应该明白的,当我跟你罗里吧嗦一大圈的时候,你就应该知道我喜欢你。You should understand that when I talk to you for a long time, you should know that I like you.
                                                                                                                                                                2、自从认识了你,我就再也没有羡慕过任何人的爱情。Since knowing you, I have never envied anyone's love.3、我余生的愿望很简单,就是我喜欢你,你喜欢我,我们一直在一起。My wish for the rest of my life is very simple, that is, I like you, you like me, we are always together.4、喜欢你这件事,你就不要再劳烦别人了,都交给我好不好?Like you this matter, you don't have to bother other people, give me all right?

                                               *图片来源于网络 如有侵权 请联系删除



