发布时间:2024-04-24 10:19:00
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I live in an incredible wait, waiting for any future.I said that I want to go to school, but you suddenly told me to go to school immediately, I am not willing and do not accept it.我说我想去上学,你却突然叫我马上去上学,我不愿意,也不接受。Beautiful scenery always happens to appear in student days.What's wrong with being fat, it just shows that my thin body can no longer accommodate my huge enthusiasm.胖怎么了,这正好说明我瘦小的身躯已经容不下我庞大的热情。Those who are close to the vermilion are red and those who are close to the ink are black. In the future, everyone try to stay away from me. I don't want you to become handsome.近朱者赤近墨者黑,以后大家尽量远离我,我不想你们也变帅。Are you in a good mood? Lend me a day, mine is broken.Suddenly I found myself suffering from many diseases, such as cleaning, and dizziness when I took the broom.突然发现自己有很多病,比如打扫卫生,一拿扫把就头晕。Those moments when I tried my best to be kind to you, I didn't think about returning it, I just wanted you to be happy.那些费尽心思对你好的瞬间,我没想过回报,只想你开心。
It takes a little salary horizontally and vertically, and it takes 24 hours to call people.If my brother has such an attitude, he might as well just ignore me, it seems that I am making trouble out of nowhere.哥哥要是这般态度,倒不如直接不理我的好,显得我无理取闹了些。I know you are talking nonsense, just coax me to make me happy.I probably won't make it through the day, just waiting for your news is 我大抵是熬不过这一天了,单单是等你的消息就心烦意乱。Do you recognize me for nothing? How can I be like someone who deserves you.After all, it was time to get off work, and I no longer had to read that annoying information. I was relieved.终究是熬到了下班时间,再也不用看那烦人的信息了,我可算是解脱了 。I don't have such great fortune, I can't compare to others, I'm just a man of grass and trees.我没这么大福气攀受比不上别人什么嘘寒问暖的,我不过是草木人罢了。Are you better than? Are you still laughing? You are better than not laughing, it is more beneficial than others who laugh!你还要比?你还要笑?你不比不笑,比人家比了笑了的还利害呢!