๑>ᴗO๑壁纸 | “劝君更尽一杯酒 你说我丑那我走”
发布时间:2024-04-23 16:22:00
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1.没有人会突然不爱你,只是你突然知道而已。No one will suddenly not love you, just you suddenly know.
2.不要因为今天的一点点不顺心,就随便把今天输掉。Don't lose today just because it's a little bit unsymissing today.
3.我们总说,岁月如故,却不知道是否如初。We always say that the years are the same, but we don't know if they are the same.
1.放假了,买个地球仪,世界那么大,不但可以看看,还可以转转。Holiday, buy a globe, the world is so big, not only can you see, but also can turn around.
2.什么叫成功?马云都没有我的微信而你有。What do you mean success? Jack Ma doesn't have my WeChat and you do
3. 森林这么大,我竟然找不到吊死的一棵树。The forest is so big that I can't find a hanging tree.
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1.假如生活出卖了我,我希望是论斤卖。If life betrays me, I hope it's a catty sale.
I love most.
2.虽然我不会做饭,但我点的一手好外卖啊。Although I can't cook, I order a good takeaway.
3.这一生,我明白得最早的一个道理就是,人是铁,床是磁铁。One of the earliest truths I've learned in my life is that people are iron and beds are magnets.