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The louder the crowd, the more I think you should be around.Of course, it was made public. She took a screenshot of our chat record to the group and attached a sentence to it for two days.当然有被公开啊,她把我们的聊天记录截图到群里,并附上一句两天拿下。Some people accept me as a child. Anyway, I'm free.You can brush your circle of friends for 100 times and read our chat records for 100 times, but I won't talk to you because I'm Altman. It's really inconvenient to type with gloves on.可以刷100次你的朋友圈,可以看100次我们的聊天记录,可就是不会找你说话,因为我是奥特曼,戴着手套打字真的不方便。Is it cold? The cold is right. It will be cold sooner or later without me.Some songs just listen to the prelude, and some people just like it when they meet.What watch is your sister wearing? Is it Baida Feili? Good watch.My sweet has finally grown up, but my sweet is no longer mine.The life of an adult is not easy except for gaining weight and losing hair.成年人的生活啊,除了发胖和掉头发容易,别的都不容易。Never wearing makeup, my secret to staying young is to lie about my age.从来都不用化妆品,我保持年轻的秘诀就是,谎报年龄。People still have to go out for a walk, or they don't know how comfortable it is to play with mobile phones at home.人还是要多出去走走,不然根本不知道在家里玩手机有多舒服。No one knows if you are doing well or not, but once you gain weight, everyone will know.你过得好不好,别人不知道,但你一胖,大家就都知道了。The renminbi has already hinted at it. If you have less money, you will go to see the mountains and rivers, and if you have more money, you will go to see and buy a house.人民币早有暗示了,钱少就去看山看水,钱多就去看房买房。I am a more mature person, and things like not eating when I get angry have always been done after I am full.我是个比较成熟的人,像赌气不吃东西这种事从来都是吃饱后才做的。When comforting others, you are straightforward, and when you comfort yourself, you just want to find a rope.
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