
发布时间:2024-04-17 10:45:17


Contributions wanted for "Colorful Yunnan · Beautiful Dehong" int'l photo show

To all photographers, 


Dehong is a beautiful place in west Yunnan, whose poetic beauty can be seen in such images as: the China-Myanmar border, the Ruili River, the phoenix-tail bamboo, the cucurbit flute, the peacock dance, golden waves, favorable location, and peaceful country. To popularize Dehong, show its beauty and invite in more visitors, Dehong Prefecture will hold an International Photography Exhibition Themed "Colorful Yunnan · Beautiful Dehong" soon. Now photographic works are wanted from all walks of life. Essentials are noticed below:   


I. Organizers
Sponsor: Publicity Department and Cyber Affairs Office of the CPC Dehong Prefectural Committee;
Organizers: Dehong Industrial Investment Company, Yunnan Airport Asiaray Media Group, Beijing Photofans Network Technology, Beijing Birdfans International Company;
联合平台:德宏发布、德宏团结报、掌上德宏、微美芒市、掌上瑞丽、目瑙纵歌之乡陇川、美丽盈江、葫芦丝之乡梁河、佳友在线、爱鸟国际、新浪云南、《湄公河》杂志社、缅甸《金凤凰》中文报、《胞波(缅文)》报、M Time、雅仕维传媒集团及其分公司旗下全国媒介平台。
Co-organizers: Dehong Updates, Dehong Tuanjie Newspaper, Dehong News App, Mangshi News, Ruili News App, News in Longchuan(cradle of Munao Zongge), Beautiful Yingjiang, News in Lianghe (home to cucurbit flute), Photofans Online, Birdfans International, yn.sina.com.cn, Mekong Magazine, Golden Phoenix (a Chinese newspaper in Myanmar), Paukphaw Burmese Newspaper, M Time, Asiaray Media Group and its subsidiaries nationwide.  

II. Subjects
The contributed photographic works are expected to be around the subjects of Dehong's ethnic unity, opening-up, industrial growth, rural revitalization, landscapes, cultural heritages, folk life, paukphaw ties, Covid fight and others.  

III. Contribution
2022 年4月15日—5月15 日。
April 15-May 15, 2022 
IV. Selection
2022 年 5 月15日—30日。
May 15-30, 2022
V. Posting results 
2022 年 6 月1日—8日。
June 1-8, 2022 
VI. Contribute via
VII. Awards
此次活动所有投稿作品将择优在德宏发布、德宏团结报、掌上德宏、微美芒市、掌上瑞丽、目瑙纵歌之乡陇川、美丽盈江、葫芦丝之乡梁河、佳友在线、爱鸟国际、新浪云南、《湄公河》杂志社、缅甸《金凤凰》中文报、《胞波(缅文)》报、M Time等中外媒体资源和国内外合作媒体平台进行同步展播。获奖作品将在昆明长水国际机场、芒市国际机场、陇川通用机场等云南空港雅仕维信息传媒有限公司旗下所有线下媒介平台及各重要航空、火车、交通港口及德宏各县市公交车站台展映,并根据实际推送到国内外重要摄影节、影会展出。特等奖、一等奖、二等奖和三等奖获奖作者将被授予“中共德宏州委宣传部签约摄影师”称号,邀请参加相关主题宣传活动。
Selected photos from the contributed works will be synchronized via the Chinese and international media platforms: Dehong Updates, Dehong Tuanjie Newspaper and Dehong News App, Mangshi News, Ruili News App, News in Longchuan(cradle of Munao Zongge), Beautiful Yingjiang, News in Lianghe (home to cucurbit flute), Photofans Online, Birdfans International, yn.sina.com.cn, Mekong Magazine, Golden Phoenix (a Chinese newspaper in Myanmar), Paukphaw Burmese Newspaper, M Time, Asiaray Media Group and its subsidiaries nationwide. The prize-winning photos will be displayed via Asiaray Media Group at Kunming Airport, Mangshi Airport and Longchuan Airport, as well as at the traffic hubs across Dehong, and they could also debut at festivities and film festivals at home and abroad. Winners of the grand, 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes will be entitled as the "Signed Photographer of Publicity Department of CPC Dehong Prefectural Committee" and invited to future activities.  
(一)特等奖:1名,颁发荣誉证书+稿酬人民币10000 元。
(1) Grand prize: 1 person, awarded with certificate + RMB 10,000
(二)一等奖:2名,颁发荣誉证书+稿酬各人民币5000 元。
(2) First prize: 2 persons, certificate + RMB 5,000 each
(三)二等奖:5名,颁发荣誉证书+稿酬各人民币2000 元。
(3) Second prize: 5 persons, certificate + RMB 2,000 each
(四)三等奖:10名,颁发荣誉证书+稿酬各人民币 800 元。
(4) Third prize: 10 persons, certificate plus RMB 800 each
(五)入围奖:20名,颁发荣誉证书+稿酬各人民币 500 元。
(5) Finalist prize: 20 persons, certificate plus RMB 500 each
 (6) Prize for excellence: much more, certificate each
VIII. Contribution tips
(1) The contributed photos must be shot in Dehong prefecture. 
(二)投稿作品为彩色照片、JPG 格式,单幅或组照均可,组照每组不超过8幅照片。单个文件大小不低于3M。图片统一处理为长边 1600×2000 像素,拍摄设备限数码相机(单反、微单均可)。
 (2) The photo(s) are colored one(s) in JPG format, (Up limit: 8 photos in each group). Each photo is at least 3M in size, processed with 1600×2000 pixels on the long side, and the photos are taken by digital cameras only (SLR or micro-single). 
(3) The contributed works shall be original, and no copy or infringement of intellectual property rights (IPR) is allowed. Contributors should be sure that they own full copyright to the submitted work, and that they do not infringe the copyright, portrait right, right of reputation, privacy right other rights of a third party. At infringement of right(s) or breach of law and regulation, the organizer has the right to veto the photo(s), and the legal liability shall be borne by the contributor.  
(4) The sponsor and organizer have the right to use, within the copyright period, the contributed works for copying, publishing, exhibiting, filming, online spreading, compiling and more, without further remuneration.
(5) The work or behavior that is identified as disturbing, misleading or cheating, will be disqualified from winning any prize, including the ones that breach laws, morals or public acceptance. 
(6) Contributions irrelevant to the subjects will be excluded from selection. Even the awarded could be vetoed once identified as irrelevant, and the sponsor has the right to take back the money and certificate and inform the public.
(7) No exhibition fee is needed, and the contributed will not be sent back.
(8) At the notification, the contributor must submit the source file (RAW or other format) to the sponsor within the specified time. Those failing to provide the file timely will not be awarded.
 (9) The interpreting right to this notice belongs to the sponsor. All contributors are deemed to have agreed to all the items.
IX. Judges
本次摄影展由中国摄影最高奖金像奖评委杨大洲、中国生态摄影(理论与实践)创始人陈建伟、创意摄影师(尤其在多重曝光创意技法上的探索)冯晓辉、英国熊猫影视有限公司创始人夏瑜(英籍华裔)、功夫影像(Kung Fu Imaging)创始人Adam Crase(美国摄影师)组成专业评审团,采用线上和线下相结合的形式评选出获奖作品。
The judging panel is composed of Yang Dazhou, winner of the Chinese golden award for photography, Chen Jianwei, founder of China eco-photography (theory and practice), creative photographer Feng Xiaohui, specialist in multiple-exposure techniques, Chinese British Xia Yu, founder of UK Panda TV, and American photographer Adam Crase, founder of Kung Fu Imaging. They will select the prize winners online and offline.

