头像 | 短发女生也可以温柔和可爱
发布时间:2024-03-28 10:43:27
她的灵魂早已在火种消亡,孤独的像一只没有灵魂的野狗It takes a little salary horizontally and vertically, and it takes 24 hours to call people.
这短短的一生,我们最终都会失去,你不妨大胆一些,爱一个人,攀一座山,追一个梦If my brother has such an attitude, he might as well just ignore me, it seems that I am making trouble out of nowhere.哥哥要是这般态度,倒不如直接不理我的好,显得我无理取闹了些。
如果生活中有什么使你感到快乐,那就去做吧!不要管别人说什么I know you are talking nonsense, just coax me to make me happy.I probably won't make it through the day, just waiting for your news is 我大抵是熬不过这一天了,单单是等你的消息就心烦意乱。
痛苦分两种:一种让你变得更强,另一种毫无价值,只是徒添折磨。Do you recognize me for nothing? How can I be like someone who deserves you.