表情包 | 这就是恋爱的感觉吗??
发布时间:2024-03-18 17:21:00
Always yield to tenderness, and you are tenderness itself.There are many times when courage does not come from your head, but from your feet.有很多时候,勇气不是从你脑袋里生出,而是从你脚下涌现。It's good to be a funny girl, but when I'm sad, I'm still grinning.当搞笑女挺好的,我难过的时候还呲着大牙笑。
Too tired, the circle of friends selected a lucky friend to carry everything for me.太累了,朋友圈抽一名幸运的朋友为我扛下所有。So what is affectionate and dedicated, so what is unreserved dedication, in the end, it is not lost to freshness.深情专一又怎样,毫不保留的付出又怎样,最后还不是输给了新鲜感。
My sisters and I both wanted to be rich women, but we ran out of money as soon as we met.我和我的姐妹们都想做富婆,但是一见面就散尽家财