
发布时间:2024-03-15 16:57:14

当月光洒落在湖面上,你的笑容如同星辰般璀璨。在日落时分,我们的爱情也沐浴在了金色的温柔之中。When the moonlight falls on the lake, your smile shines like stars. At sunset, our love was bathed in golden tenderness.

和你一起的时光仿佛停滞了流动,只剩下我们的爱在岁月的长河中闪耀。你是我生命中最美的邂逅,让我明白了爱情的深刻与美好。Time with you seems to stop flowing, leaving only our love shining through the years. You are the most beautiful encounter in my life, let me understand the depth and beauty of love.

你是我心中最美的诗篇,每一行都是永恒的誓言,每一次与你相遇,都是命运的安排,每一次与你别离,都是思念的牵挂。You are the most beautiful poem in my heart, every line is an eternal oath, every time I meet you, it is the fate of the arrangement, every time I leave you, it is the concern of missing.

和你在一起,我的心变得轻盈,像一只自由飞翔的小鸟,不再受困于牢笼,每一个温柔的拥抱,都是爱的延续,每一个深情的吻,都是心灵的交融。When I am with you, my heart becomes light, like a bird flying free, no longer trapped in a cage, every tender embrace is a continuation of love, every deep kiss is a communion of hearts.

