发布时间:2024-02-28 08:01:44

Let me wait, I won't leave. After passing through your whole world, let me stay by your side.所有的笙歌琴音收束于一个指势,风华之后,是剩空夜里的上弦。歌偏阳春,你的知音再给你一次热切的掌声,下一曲呢?依稀,生命到达了彼岸,你收起弦琴,站起,深深一揖:“我倦欲眠君可去。”All the sheng songs and qin notes are restrained in one finger, and after the wind and glory, they are the last strings of the empty night. The song leans towards sunny spring. Your close friend gives you another round of enthusiastic applause. What about the next song? Vaguely, life has reached the other shore. You put away your stringed instrument, stand up, and bow deeply: "I am tired and want to sleep, but you can go."人人都曾是少年,也曾一腔热血送青春,但不是人人都能被珍重而不被辜负,更不是人人都有怀抱挚爱的勇气。Everyone was once a teenager, and once sent their youth with passion, but not everyone can be cherished and not let down, let alone have the courage to embrace their beloved.我并不失落。我也没有受伤,没有生气,我只是有点累了,我厌倦了付出太多,回报太少。I am not disappointed. I'm not hurt, I'm not angry, I'm just a bit tired. I'm tired of giving too much and giving too little in return.当你明白人生和自我都不是用来战胜而是用来相处的,你就会明白有些东西虽然并不合理,但你必须相信;有些东西并不牢固,但你必须依靠。When you understand that life and self are not meant to overcome but to get along with each other, you will understand that although some things may not be reasonable, you must believe them; Some things may not be strong, but you must rely on them.朱先生恰在那一刻瞧见她的模样,转身就离开涝池上了管路,对媒人说:“就是这个,八字不合也是这个。”At that moment, Mr. Zhu saw her appearance and turned around to leave the waterlogged pool and install the pipeline. He said to the matchmaker, "That's it, and even if the character eight doesn't match, it's also this."