1127 Wallpaper壁纸
发布时间:2023-11-27 07:00:02
5. 身边人来来去去,不是归人,皆是过客,酒杯太浅敬不到来日方长,巷子太短走不到白发苍苍。6. 很多人离开另外一个人,就没有自己,而你却一个人度过了所有。你的孤独,虽败犹荣。1. I didn't know Nanke until the twilight touched the frost. 2. I have no worries and no fears. 3. Like a deer passing through the granite, the wind blows open a hibiscus. 4. Love borrows from the world in the morning and evening, and is rewarded with sorrow and joy. 5. People around you come and go, not to return, are all passers-by, the wine cup is too shallow to respect the future, the alley is too short to walk white-haired. 6. Many people leave another person without themselves, but you spend everything alone. Your loneliness is glorious in defeat.
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