
发布时间:2023-11-21 20:54:24



“我不等你谁等你 我不等你我等谁 你不等我我等你 你不爱我我爱你 重蹈覆辙我也爱 没有结果我也爱.”"I don't wait for you who waits for you, I don't wait for you who I wait for, you don't wait for me I wait for you, you don't love me I love you, I love the same mistakes again, I love if there is no result."

一个小孩子玩植物大战僵尸 总是喜欢把坚果放在最后 把其他植物放在前面” 希望你永远看不懂这句话.A little kid playing Plants vs. Zombies always likes to put the nuts last and the other plants first "Hope you never understand this sentence.

听过最温柔的话:可能我有点笨不会说话 可能总惹你不开心 但在爱你这件事上我不会退步 希望你别离开.I have heard the most gentle words: Maybe I am a little stupid and can't speak, I may always make you unhappy, but I will not retreat in loving you, I hope you don't leave.

“我身材不好 长得不好 成绩不好 声音不好听 甚至一句无意的评价 都会让我抬不起头”"My figure is not good, I don't look good, my grades are not good, my voice is not good, and even an unintentional evaluation will make me unable to lift my head"

我想要的安全感就是:“你睡醒会找我 忙完会告诉我 事事有回应 件件有着落 爱是腻宠 是偏爱 是唯一”The sense of security I want is: "You will find me when you wake up, and you will tell me when you are done. There is a response to everything, and everything is settled. Love is greasy, preference is the only one."

“下个月7号就立冬了 风里已经有了冬天的味道 我的意思是 要开始过有你在身边的第一个冬天啦”"It will be beginning of winter on the 7th of next month, and there is already the smell of winter in the wind. What I mean is, the first winter with you by my side will begin."

奶奶说:“当你弄丢了一个满眼都是你的人 那么之后遇到的 都不及他的万分之一 所以请你不要错过他”Grandma said, "When you lose someone whose eyes are full of you, then the ones you meet later are less than one ten thousandth of his, so please don't miss him."

听过最温柔的话:“我不会说什么煽情的话 但如果你在我身边 我只想告诉你 我不想你走”The softest words I've ever heard: "I won't say anything sensational, but if you're by my side, I just want to tell you that I don't want you to go"

妈妈说:“不要总是用细节去判断一个人爱不爱你 因为并不是所有人都会用你喜欢的方式去爱你”Mom said, "Don't always use details to judge whether someone loves you or not, because not everyone will love you in the way you like."
