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镜子很脏的时候 你并不会以为是自己的脸脏 那为什么别人说出糟糕的话时 你就要觉得糟糕的是自己呢.When the mirror is dirty, you don't think your face is dirty, so why do you feel bad when others say bad things?
“拍天空是故意的 拍到晚霞是意外 就像偶遇你是故意的 没想到真能遇见你却是个意外”"Photographing the sky is intentional, photographing the sunset is an accident, just like meeting you by chance is intentional, I didn't expect to meet you but it was an accident"
“我怕被丢下 所以我特别警觉 我发现你对我冷淡了 有人可以替代我了 我一定会先走 我不想被丢下”"I'm afraid of being left behind, so I'm especially vigilant. I found that you are cold to me, and someone can replace me. I will definitely leave first, I don't want to be left behind"
妈妈说:“如果谈恋爱后 你发现你男朋友越来越丑 而你越来越漂亮 那你就应该知道 你肯定爱对人了”Mom said, "If you find that your boyfriend is getting uglier and you are getting more and more beautiful after a relationship, then you should know that you must love the right person."
“今天是周六 天呐 也是七夕节 很巧吧 想不想跟我一起过七夕 你该不会没发现这是一段藏头句吧”"Today is Saturday, oh my god, it's also the Qixi Festival. Do you want to spend the Qixi Festival with me? You probably didn't notice that this is a hidden sentence, right?"
听过最温柔的一句话:“在以后的日子里我可能会经常欺负你 但是我保证会一直忠诚对你”The softest sentence I have ever heard: "I may often bully you in the future, but I promise to always be loyal to you"
“后来:那个占有欲强的男孩遇到了一个懂细节的女孩 而那个懂细节的女孩没有嫌他烦 也没有让他输”"Later: The possessive boy met a girl who knew the details, and the girl who knew the details didn't annoy him or let him lose"
听过最温柔的一句话:“就算有双下巴也会好看 有小肚子也很可爱 也不怕你胖 我只希望你每天过的开心”I have heard the most gentle sentence: "Even if you have a double chin, you will look good, and if you have a small belly, you will be very cute. I am not afraid that you will get fat. I only hope that you will be happy every day."
听过最温柔的话:“我是真的爱你 即使你是小胖脸 腰上有赘肉 怪怪的脾气 我还是会过来牢牢牵住你的手”I have heard the most gentle words: "I really love you, even if you have a chubby face, fat on your waist, and a weird temper, I will still come and hold your hand firmly"