壁纸丨让人爱不释手的清新全面屏壁纸 干净又高级的唯美皮肤

发布时间:2023-09-25 16:34:40





生活中,有些事,有些人,看的太重,便成了累赘。人生,总需要继续,继续轻装前行。心若放宽,天高云淡路好走;事若看淡,心胸坦荡也安然。In life, some things, some people, take things too seriously and become cumbersome. Life always needs to continue, continue to move forward lightly. If the heart is relaxed, the sky is high and the clouds are thin, and the road is easy to walk; If things are taken lightly, one can be calm and open-minded.

生活中,有些事,有些人,看的太重,便成了累赘。人生,总需要继续,继续轻装前行。心若放宽,天高云淡路好走;事若看淡,心胸坦荡也安然。In life, some things, some people, take things too seriously and become cumbersome. Life always needs to continue, continue to move forward lightly. If the heart is relaxed, the sky is high and the clouds are thin, and the road is easy to walk; If things are taken lightly, one can be calm and open-minded.


