“简约高级感” 锁屏壁纸

发布时间:2023-09-12 22:39:46



听过最温柔的一句话:“我不会说什么煽情话 但如果你坚定的选择我 我只会告诉你 我一点也不想让你走”The softest sentence I have ever heard: "I won't say anything sensational, but if you firmly choose me, I will only tell you that I don't want you to leave at all"

I'm说反话 I'm爱吃醋 I'm爱生气 I'm黏人精 I'm好想你 I'm小气鬼 I'm超爱你.I'm sarcastic I'm jealous I'm angry I'm clingy I'm missing you I'm stingy I'm love you so much.

我没有着急乱谈恋爱 也和最爱的人做了陌生人 我在等一个人来捡起七零八落的我 可能慢慢来也是一种诚意.I'm not in a hurry to fall in love, and I'm a stranger to the person I love the most. I'm waiting for someone to pick up the scattered me. It may be a sincerity to take it slow.

“想想以后:你去买菜 我屁颠屁颠的跟在你后面 问你今天给我做什么好吃的 想想就幸福”"Think about the future: you go shopping, I'm following behind you, asking what delicious food you made for me today, thinking about it makes me happy"

“可能有时候我词不达意 但遇见你我真的很开心 好好在一起 以后手牵手一起去看日落”"Maybe sometimes I don't understand the meaning of the words, but I am really happy to meet you. We will be together well. In the future, we will watch the sunset hand in hand."

奶奶说:“两个人在一起互相迁就才最长远 双向奔赴才有意义 她心疼你的不容易 你宠着她的小情绪”Grandma said: "It is the most long-term for two people to accommodate each other, and it is meaningful to go both ways. It is not easy for her to feel sorry for you, and you spoil her little emotions"

向日葵有一段很好的花语:“我永远只属于你 不用质疑我对你的爱 属于你的我一点都不会分给任何人”Sunflower has a very good flower language: "I will always belong to you, no need to question my love for you, what belongs to you will not be given to anyone at all"

希望很多年以后朋友们对我说“哇 你们还在一起啊” 而不是“哇 你们当时那么恩爱 那么甜 怎么分开了”I hope that many years from now my friends will say to me, "Wow, you guys are still together" instead of "Wow, you were so loving and so sweet, how did you break up?"

“我是一只小螃蟹  有一天走着走着我的钳掉了  我去找医生  医生问我怎么啦  我说我没钳了”"I am a small crab. One day, my forceps fell off while walking. I went to the doctor. The doctor asked me what was wrong, and I said I didn't have any forceps."
