壁纸 | 今日份锁屏壁纸

发布时间:2023-09-08 21:23:35



听过最温柔的一句话:“就算有双下巴也会好看 有小肚子也很可爱  也不怕你胖 我只希望你每天过的开心”I have heard the most gentle sentence: "Even if you have a double chin, you will look good, and if you have a small belly, you will be very cute. I am not afraid that you will get fat. I only hope that you will be happy every day."

镜子很脏的时候 你并不会以为是自己的脸脏 那为什么别人说出糟糕的话时 你就要觉得糟糕的是自己呢.When the mirror is dirty, you don't think your face is dirty, so why do you feel bad when others say bad things?

“熊大不能没有熊二 海绵宝宝不能没有派大星 大雄不能没有叮当 汤姆不能没有杰瑞 我也不能没有你呐”"Xiong Da can't live without Xiong Er SpongeBob can't live without Patrick Star Nobita can't live without Jingle, Tom can't live without Jerry, and I can't live without you either"

人的一生会碰到许多心动的人 会误以为那是喜欢 其实不过是某一刻好感 毕竟心动不是答案 心定才是.A person's life will encounter many people who are moved, will mistakenly think that it is like, in fact, it is just a moment of affection, after all, the heart is not the answer, the heart is.

“不知从什么时候开始:已经不再期待任何惊喜的发生 只希望不要有突如其来的烦恼就好”"I don't know when it started: I no longer expect any surprises to happen, I just hope there won't be sudden troubles"

在青青草原有个说法 你要是动了红太狼 整个青青草原都救不了你 你要是动了小灰灰 羊狼两族都要干你.There is a saying in the Qingqing grassland, if you move the red wolf, the entire Qingqing grassland can't save you, if you move Xiao Hui, both sheep and wolves will do you.

最温柔的一句话:“爱是互相的 我想我们都好好的 我很爱你 我也会一直爱你 我只想你能一直在我身边”The softest sentence: "Love is mutual, I think we are all good, I love you very much, and I will always love you, I just want you to always be by my side"

放不下的意思是:即使我身边出现了其他人 甚至是比你更好的人 我也会忍不住想起你 终究是意难平.Can't let go means: even if there are other people around me, even better people than you, I can't help but think of you, after all, it is difficult to pacify.

我想告诉你们的是 真正的爱情不是累了就放手 不管你们是早恋中恋晚恋还是异地恋还是在一起.What I want to tell you is that true love is not to let go when you are tired, whether you are in puppy love, middle love, late love or long-distance love or together.
