表情包 | 我还快乐啊~
发布时间:2023-08-14 18:08:40
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I don't care who watches me, because any of my social software can be regarded as a masterpiece.You always say you are a funny girl without love, but have you ever thought that you are not funny.你整天说自己是搞笑女没有爱情,但是你有没有想过,你其实也不怎么搞笑。Show you the daily life of beautiful girls and their increasingly rounded The success or failure of a chess game is not in one move, but in one move; life is wonderful, not in one dynasty, but in one dynasty.棋局成败,不在一招,而在招招;人生精彩,不在一朝,而在朝朝You and I have never met,heart is my first gift to you. If you are addicted to pigs, you order takeout for yourself. If I am addicted to dogs, I order takeout for others.你们猪瘾犯了是给自己订外卖,我狗瘾犯了,给别人订了个外卖。I saw a book called "Solve 50% of Your Life's Problems" in a bookstore and I bought two copies.