壁纸 | 今日份全面屏壁纸

发布时间:2023-08-13 22:51:48



“今天是星期五 天呐 也就是说明天又到周末了 很快吧 想不想一起过周末 你该不会没发现这是藏头诗吧”"Today is Friday, oh my god, that means tomorrow is the weekend again, soon, do you want to spend the weekend together, you probably didn't notice that this is a hidden head poem, right?"

“不知从什么时候开始:已经不再期待任何惊喜的发生 只希望不要有突如其来的烦恼就好”"I don't know when it started: I no longer expect any surprises to happen, I just hope there won't be sudden troubles"

“历史课做卷子 我额头靠着桌子打草稿 后后桌看我趴着以为我在哭 悄悄地问附近的人我怎么了”"I was doing the paper in history class. I leaned my forehead against the table to draft. The back desk saw me lying on my stomach and thought I was crying, so I quietly asked the people nearby what happened to me"

妈妈说:“一个满眼都是你的女孩 你是驾驭不住的 因为你承受不住她的深情 更承受不住她的绝情”Mom said, "You can't control a girl whose eyes are full of you, because you can't bear her affection, let alone her heartlessness."

“电影都是:给你多少万 离开我女儿 ”“而现实确实:给我们多少万 否则离开我女儿”"Movies are: give you as many as 10,000, leave my daughter" "And the reality is indeed: give us as many as 10,000, or leave my daughter"

奶奶说:“当你弄丢了一个满眼都是你的人 那么之后遇到的 都不及他的万分之一 所以请你不要错过他”Grandma said, "When you lose someone whose eyes are full of you, then the ones you meet later are less than one ten thousandth of his, so please don't miss him."

奶奶说:“没人想要真正了解你 都只是喜欢你一阵子 发现了你的缺点 然后就离开了”Grandma said, "No one really wants to know you, they just like you for a while, find your flaws, and then leave."

听过最温柔的一句话:“在以后的日子里我可能会经常欺负你 但是我保证会一直忠诚对你”The softest sentence I have ever heard: "I may often bully you in the future, but I promise to always be loyal to you"

向日葵有一段很好的花语:“我永远只属于你 不用质疑我对你的爱 属于你的我一点都不会分给任何人”Sunflower has a very good flower language: "I will always belong to you, no need to question my love for you, what belongs to you will not be given to anyone at all"
