
发布时间:2023-08-08 16:23:12

读书多了,容颜自然改变,许多时候,自己可能以为许多看过的书籍都成了过眼云烟,不复记忆,其实它们仍是潜在的。在气质里,在谈吐上,在胸襟的无涯,当然也可能显露在生活和文字里。Read more, your face naturally changes, and many times, you may think that many of the books you have read have become a cloud of smoke, no longer remembered, but in fact they are still potential. In temperament, in speech, in the boundlessness of the mind, of course, it may also be revealed in life and words.

不打伞,诗人就这样站在可能随时而至的风雨里,被淋湿的是裸露的流浪,被润泽的却是孤独的灵魂。带着这份裸露的孤独,苏轼在多次毫无预料的流放中被迫远行,一路走来,南北东西,留下了数不尽的途路艰辛,但又在一次次的生命留驻中、在不经意的挥洒间留下意味深长的一笔。于是,他所流连的山水,他曾咏叹的物事,都慢慢凝成了文化的篇章,余绪绵延千年。。Without an umbrella, the poet stands in the wind and rain that may come at any time, drenched by naked wanderings, but moistened by lonely souls. With this naked loneliness, Su Shi was forced to travel far in many unexpected exiles, along the way, north, south, east and west, leaving countless hardships, but in the life stay again and again, leaving a meaningful mark in the inadvertent splurging. As a result, the landscapes he lingered in and the things he once lamented slowly condensed into a cultural chapter, and the aftermath lasted for thousands of years.

你要搞清楚  是你喜欢人家  又不是人家喜欢你  既然你动心了  主动了  就算受了天大的委屈  也是你意料之中的事情  怪不了任何人  你不是小朋友了  你不开心也不会死掉  结果只能自己承担  不管多难过  也只能自己熬  谁让你有本事喜欢人家  没本事让人家喜欢你来着  难过什么  这个世界上爱而不得的又不是只有你一个人You have to figure out that you like people, and it's not that people like you. Since you are moved and take the initiative, even if you suffer a great grievance, it is something you expected. No one can blame anyone You are not a child You are not happy and will not die The result can only be borne by yourself No matter how sad you are, you can only survive by yourself Who makes you have the ability to like others No ability to make people like you What is sad You are not the only one who loves in this world

