
发布时间:2023-08-06 21:42:15

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Carrying the streamer of my body

No chaos, no panic, no sadness, no injury

背负我这一身的流光,不乱不慌 不悲不伤

Without your gaze, I am in the midst of the flood and famine

Only emptiness remains

尽染洪荒 没有你的目光,只剩下空荡༯ᐝ

Enduring the storms of my life

Never argue, never grab, never lose, never forget

经受我这一生的风霜,不争不抢 不失不忘

Bathing in the scorching sun without your sunshine

The air only leaves heat waves

尽沐骄阳 没有你的阳光,空气只留下热浪

Everything has no light, only your eyes are bright

Feel free to go to the distance and see the sun

万物皆无光 只有你的眼明亮


Your eyes are filled with sadness, only your eyebrows are raised

Waiting for you to drink a bowl of night light

满目皆悲伤 只有你的眉上扬


Bringing wind and rain when coming, taking away the four seasons when going

No matter how beautiful the scenery is without you, it's powerless

来时携风雨 去时带走了四季


It started to surge in and then disappeared from the dust

If you don't come, the beautiful world will be in chaos

开始汹涌来袭 后来绝尘而去

你不来 再美的天地都狼藉

Carrying the streamer of my body

No chaos, no panic, no sadness, no injury

背负我这一身的流光,不乱不慌 不悲不伤

Without your gaze, I am in the midst of the flood and famine

Only emptiness remains

尽染洪荒 没有你的目光,只剩下空荡༯ᐝ


