发布时间:2023-08-01 07:08:11
因为害怕自己并非明珠而不敢刻苦琢磨,又因为有几分相信自己是明珠,而不能与瓦砾碌碌为伍,遂逐渐远离世间,疏避人群,结果在内心不断地用愤懑和羞怒饲育着自己懦弱的自尊心。世界上每个人都是驯兽师,而那匹猛兽,就是每个人各自的性情Because he was afraid that he was not a pearl and did not dare to ponder hard, and because he believed that he was a pearl and could not be with the rubble, he gradually distanced himself from the world and avoided the crowd, and as a result, he constantly fed his cowardly self-esteem with anger and shame in his heart. Everyone in the world is a tamer, and that beast is everyone's own temperament
.这种情况发生在很多家庭里:某个孩子格格不入,跟不上节奏,合不上拍子。在我们家,泰勒就是那个孩子。我们其余人跳吉格舞,而他跳的是华尔兹。他对我们生活中喧闹的音乐充耳不闻,我们也听不见他宁静的复调。This happens in many families: a child is out of place, can't keep up with the rhythm, can't fit the beat. In our family, Taylor was that kid. The rest of us did the jig, and he did the waltz. He turned a deaf ear to the raucous music of our lives, and we couldn't hear his serene polyphony..
你背不下来的书,总有人能背下来,你做不出来的题,总有人能做出来,你愿意拖到明天的事总有人今天努力做完,那么不好意思,你想去的学校也只能別人去了,你想过的人生也只能别人过了。The books you can't memorize, there are always people who can memorize them, the questions you can't do, there are always people who can do it, and there are always people who are willing to delay until tomorrow to finish it today, so sorry, the school you want to go to can only be someone else's go, and the life you want to live can only be lived by others.
