表情包|好笨 像你一样
发布时间:2023-07-31 13:33:14
·走到生命的哪一个阶段,都该喜欢那一段时光,完成那一阶段该完成的职责,顺生而行,不沉迷过去,不狂热地期待着未来,生命这样就好。不管正经历着怎样的挣扎与挑战,或许我们都只有一个选择:虽然痛苦,却依然要快乐,并相信未来。.At any stage of life, you should like that time, complete the responsibilities that should be completed at that stage, walk with the flow, do not dwell on the past, do not look forward to the future feverishly, and life is good. No matter what struggles and challenges we are going through, perhaps we all have only one choice: to be happy despite the pain and believe in the future.
比起其他的身体接触,我真的十分喜欢拥抱了。被一把抱住时,阳光,洗衣粉,所有温暖的味道,都好像一下子融进了身体里。倘若下次再见面,希望你二话不说过来抱我,又轻轻摸摸我的头,那我就赖定你了I really like hugging more than any other physical contact. When you are hugged, the sunlight, washing powder, and all the warm smells seem to melt into the body at once. If we meet again next time, I hope you come to hug me without saying a word, and touch my head gently, then I will be sure of you
我将许多欢喜忧愁的日日夜夜掺和着你的背影碾碎了撒进时间里。你从不曾回头看我一眼,我也从不曾与你打过一声招呼。可在我心里,早已与你吃过无数个三餐,看过无数场电影了。I have crushed into time many days and nights of joy and sorrow mixed with your back. You never looked back at me, and I never said hello to you. But in my heart, I have already eaten countless meals with you and watched countless movies.或许现在,比起突如其来的惊喜,更喜欢‘期待已久的事情终于来到啦’和‘所有的事情都在一点一点地慢慢变好’吧。Maybe now, rather than sudden surprises, I prefer 'the long-awaited thing has finally arrived' and 'everything is slowly getting better little by little'.