

“现在的状态就是:微信qq没声音 游戏没人陪 偶尔刷刷短视频 偶尔被评论逗笑 偶尔小丧 人空也迷茫”"The current state is: WeChat QQ has no sound, no one is accompanying the game, occasionally browsing short videos, occasionally being amused by comments, occasionally a little mourning, and people are confused"
手机响了会第一时间看看是不是你 无聊的时候会看我们的聊天记录 这些是你不知道的 也是我不想说的.When the phone rings, it will be the first time to see if it is you. When you are bored, you will look at our chat records. These are things you don't know and I don't want to say.
“想想以后:你去买菜 我屁颠屁颠的跟在你后面 问你今天给我做什么好吃的 想想就幸福”"Think about the future: you go shopping, I'm following behind you, asking what delicious food you made for me today, thinking about it makes me happy"
“真正的朋友就是:不在乎你成不成功 厉不厉害 只在乎你这个憨憨什么时候能出来见上一面”"A true friend is: I don't care if you succeed or not, whether you are powerful or not, I only care when you, a fool, can come out and meet you."
“我恢复了原来的模样:不渣也不爱 清醒又迷茫 时而开心 时而抑郁 却始终温柔 始终善良”"I have returned to my original appearance: neither dregs nor love, awake and confused, sometimes happy, sometimes depressed, but always gentle, always kind"
政治书里有句话:“在男生女生交往的过程中 我们容易把欣赏和向往理解为爱情 其实这种不是真正的爱情”There is a saying in a political book: "In the process of dating boys and girls, we tend to understand appreciation and yearning as love, but in fact this is not true love."
“你可以因为我的一点不好就忘记我所有的好 但你别忘了我发现你不好的时候没想过离开你.”"You can forget all my goodness just because I'm not good, but don't forget that I didn't think about leaving you when I found out that you were not good."
“后来啊 就再也没见过面 再后来啊 你的消息也无处听说了 最后啊 你就消失在我的世界里了”"Afterwards, we never met again. Afterwards, your news was nowhere to be heard. In the end, you disappeared into my world."
星星亲了月亮一口 月亮没站稳从天上掉了下来 月亮脸红红的说 我碎了 晚安.The stars kissed the moon, the moon did not stand steady fell from the sky, the moon face red said, I broke, good night.
在青青草原有个说法 你要是动了红太狼 整个青青草原都救不了你 你要是动了小灰灰 羊狼两族都要干你.There is a saying in the Qingqing grassland, if you move the red wolf, the entire Qingqing grassland can't save you, if you move Xiao Hui, both sheep and wolves will do you.
在广袤的空间和无限的时间中 能与你共享一颗行星和一段美好的时光 是我的荣幸.It is my honor to share a planet and a wonderful time with you in the vast space and infinite time.
“今年夏天我遇到一个男孩 他的出现让我觉得生活又有了希望 我真的真的好喜欢他 太想陪他久一点了”"I met a boy this summer, and his appearance made me feel hopeful in life again. I really, really like him, and I want to be with him for a long time."
“记不得了 只记得最近好累 处理着乱七八糟的关系 想着得不到的偏爱 总是一个人偷偷抹眼泪”"I can't remember, I just remember that I've been so tired recently, dealing with messy relationships, thinking about the favoritism I can't get, and I always wipe my tears secretly by myself"
镜子很脏的时候 你并不会以为是自己的脸脏 那为什么别人说出糟糕的话时 你就要觉得糟糕的是自己呢.When the mirror is dirty, you don't think your face is dirty, so why do you feel bad when others say bad things?
听过最温柔的一句话:“入目无他人 四下皆是你 有你时我目不转睛 无你时我低头谁也不见”I have heard the most gentle sentence: "There is no one else in my eyes, you are everywhere. When I have you, I will not turn my eyes away. When I don't have you, I bow my head and see no one."
妈妈说:“男孩子是有爱情的 而女孩子没有 女孩子是谁对她好就跟谁走了 我想了很久 发现这句话是真的”Mom said, "Boys have love, but girls don't. Girls go with whoever treats them well. I thought about it for a long time and found that this sentence is true."
奶奶说:“十句你去吗 不如一句跟我走 一百句你要吗 不如一句你拿着 一千句你没事吧 不如一句有我在”Grandma said, "Are you going with ten sentences? It's better to follow me with one sentence, do you want a hundred sentences, it's better to take one sentence, and you're fine with a thousand sentences. It's better to have me with one sentence"
“今天是星期六 天呐 也是立秋 很快吧 想好了么 你要不要请我喝秋天第一杯奶茶”——藏头告白."Today is Saturday, oh my god, it's also beginning of autumn, soon, have you thought about it, do you want to invite me to drink the first cup of milk tea in autumn?" - Hidden confession.
“今年的秋天我会留长发 会一直笑 不会粘人懂事了 不会无理取闹了 会变得温柔会好好珍惜身边的每个人”"This autumn, I will have long hair, I will laugh all the time, I will not be clingy and sensible, I will not be unreasonable, I will become gentle and cherish everyone around me"