壁纸 | 名校校训

发布时间:2022-07-25 09:52:09

The motto of MIT is: “Mens et Manus”, which stands for “Mind and Hand” in Latin. This cryptic motto alludes to the fact that at MIT professors believe that effective technical education needs to include a substantial practical component, such as laboratory sessions, problem sets and independent projects. In effect, MIT stands by the philosophy of “learning by doing”, which was first popularized by American educator John Dewey at the beginning.

MIT expects that all students come to the Institute for a serious academic purpose and expects them to be responsible individuals who conduct themselves with high standards of honesty and personal conduct. It is MIT’s philosophy to maintain rules and regulations consistent with efficient administration and the general welfare of the MIT community.

麻省理工学院(Massachusetts Institute of Technology),简称“麻省理工”(MIT),位于美国马萨诸塞州波士顿都市区剑桥市,主校区依查尔斯河而建,是一所世界著名私立研究型大学,爱国者联盟附属成员,全球大学校长论坛成员。



在麻省理工学院还有一条广为流传的非正式校训:Play Hard, Study Hard,努力工作努力玩。如果一个人不知道怎么好好玩,他就不可能喜欢他的工作,他的努力也就坚持不了多久,或者无法产生长期的效果。


编辑 | Grace

文字 | Grace

装饰素材 | 由秋秋呀绘制

图片 | Grace
