表情包 | 6到我了
发布时间:2023-07-19 21:02:41
立刻设我为星标/置顶 - 下次不迷路
A静态图. 点击想要的图片放大,长按直接保存到手机相册 >>>随机点开一个wx对话框,点右下角的笑脸按钮>>>在自己的表情库里,点击加号>>>.你的微信表情里左上角有一个“+”,点击“+”添加表情后点完成即可
The lamp is lit by oneself, and the road is paved by oneself.The person who taught you to dance at first may not be able to accompany you to the end..The really important things will stay in my heart even if I can't remember them.I took the wrong bus, crossed the station, took the wrong road, and met you. Where should I begin to regret?搭错了车,坐过了站,走错了路,遇见了你,我该从哪里开始后悔好呢?Every person who is invulnerable to all kinds of poisons has ever been incurable.Day time: Shit, I step on the dog Man night: What about me, am I the victim of your love?白天:妈的,我脚踩狗男人 晚上:那我呢,是你恋爱路上的牺牲品嘛?The stumbled days can also salvage the sparkle and beauty in it.Do you know why you always have so much negative energy? Because you have blocked the micro businesses of positive energy.你知道你为什么总是这么多负能量吗?因为你把正能量的微商都给屏蔽了。你点的每一个“在看”