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发布时间:2022-07-01 10:56:46

全世界有趣的灵魂都关注了 真真同学啊

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                                                                                                         我们迷上了什么东西,并尽了自己的努力,这就够了,就是一种成功。We are obsessed with something and try our best. That's enough. It's a kind of success.世界上有一些事情,不是光凭“努力”就可以获得回报的。There are some things in the world that can not be rewarded by "efforts" alone.如果可以交换人生,就跟以前的自己交换吧,可以少些遗憾,而且,该在的人都在。If you can exchange your life, exchange it with your previous self. You can have less regrets. Moreover, all the people who should be here are there.

                                                                                                     有总是从无 开始的;是靠两只手和一个聪明的脑袋变出来的。Something always starts from nothing; It was made with two hands and a smart head.你有信仰就年轻,疑惑就年老;有自信就年轻,畏惧就年老;有希望就年轻。If you have faith, you will be young, and if you doubt, you will be old; Confidence makes you young, fear makes you old; Hope is young.如果你真的想做一件事情,那么就算障碍重重,你也会想尽一切办法去办到它。If you really want to do something, even if there are many obstacles, you will do everything possible to do it.

                                                                                                          有思想,也有忧伤和理想,这才是生活。There are thoughts, sadness and ideals. This is life.好好的管教你自己,不要管别人。Discipline yourself and don't worry about others.你的问题在于书读得不多而想得太多。过度规划未来,过度思考人生就是病,得治。Your problem is that you don't read much and think too much. Over planning the future and over thinking about life is a disease that can be cured.所有的时间管理的背后,是良好的习惯,而良好习惯养成的背后,是惊人的意志力。Behind all time management is good habits, and behind the formation of good habits is amazing willpower.

                                                                                                         芝兰生于幽林,不以无人而不芳;君子修道立德,不为穷困而改节。Zhilan was born in the secluded forest, not because of no one; A gentleman cultivates morality and does not change his morality for the sake of poverty.与其在意别人的背弃和不善,不如经营自己的尊严和美好。It's better to manage your own dignity and beauty than to care about the abandonment and kindness of others.今天你不为学习买单,明天你将为贫困买单。Today you don't pay for your study, tomorrow you will pay for poverty.

                                               *图片来源于网络 如有侵权 请联系删除



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