壁纸丨惊鸿一瞥 乱我心曲��
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你想去的大学你去不了总有人要去,你要买的东西你买不了总有人要买,既然东西都要被买,那为啥不能是你。If you can't go to the university you want to go to, there will always be people who want to go. If you can't buy what you want to buy, there will always be people who want to buy. Since everything has to be bought, why can't it be you.人生所有走过的路,都不会白走。如果在这条路上选对了方向,收获的成长一定是巨大的,修炼自身,投资自己,是最好的方向,是最划算的投资!All the way of life, will not go in vain. If you choose the right direction on this road, the growth of harvest must be huge. Cultivating yourself and investing in yourself are the best direction and the most cost-effective investment!

如果一段感情没能把你变成更好的人,只是把你变得患得患失喜怒无常,那真遗憾 你跟错人了。If a relationship doesn't make you a better person, it just makes you moody, it's a pity that you're with the wrong person.别对谁紧追不舍,做你自己,努力做好自己的事。你命中注定的那个对的人,自然会来到你身边,并且不再离开。Don't chase after anyone, be yourself and try to do your own thing. The right person you are destined to be will naturally come to you and never leave.

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