壁纸丨情窦初开 痴人亦在 (•̀ᴗ•́)

发布时间:2022-07-20 12:42:46

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                                                                                                      听说有些人只要见了一次,我们就要用很长的一段时间为之空欢喜。原来一瞬间的债要用一生去还,并不是莫须有的事。It's said that if we meet some people once, we will spend a long time to be happy. It turns out that it's not unnecessary for a moment's debt to be paid in a lifetime.想聊的时候有说不完的话题,疲倦的时候想坐无言也没有一分尴尬,不知道这是不是恋爱时最好的状态,但一定是彼此最舒服的状态。When you want to talk, there are endless topics. When you are tired, there is no embarrassment in sitting speechless. I don't know if this is the best state in love, but it must be the most comfortable state for each other.

                                                                                   等你有了新的圈子 希望你不要忘记是谁陪你走过那段人烟稀少的时光When you have a new circle, I hope you don't forget who accompanied you through that sparsely populated time一生所有,干净自由。All my life, clean and free.听闻爱情 十有九悲I heard that love has nine sorrows有一个可以想念的人,就是幸福。There is a person you can miss, that is happiness.日子难过 不要惹我Don't mess with me when it's hard生死之外 皆是小事Life and death are little things往日不悔 来日可期Never regret the past and expect the future

                                                                                                     喜你为疾,药石无医。I'm glad you're a disease, but there's no cure for it.成长不期而遇,生日如期而至。When you grow up, your birthday comes as scheduled.但愿我们每个人,每天都能开开心心,做一件喜欢的事,品一杯香甜的蜂蜜水。I hope every one of us can be happy every day, do something we like and taste a cup of sweet honey water.我觉得这样的日子才是神仙般的——有自己喜欢的工作,有自己喜欢的人,每天还有鲜花取悦自己。I think this kind of day is immortal - have their own favorite work, have their own favorite people, every day there are flowers to please themselves.

                                                                                                     我有大风和烈酒,享受孤独和自由!I have strong wind and strong wine, enjoy solitude and freedom!当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应该是坚强。When the tears flow away, the left should be strong.幸福秘诀:吃饱,然后躺下。The secret of happiness: eat and lie down.奋发有为,时不我待。Time does not wait for us to work hard.熬过了所有的苦以后,就没有那么想和谁在一起了。After going through all the hardships, I don't want to be with anyone that much.

                                               *图片来源于网络 如有侵权 请联系删除



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