壁纸 | 快快乐乐是生活 吃吃喝喝即是常态

发布时间:2022-07-19 20:49:24

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一、比起人我还是喜欢手机,起码手机会告诉你电量不足,但人却总是一声不吭的走掉。I still prefer mobile phones to people, at least the phone will tell you that the battery is low, but people always walk away without saying a word.

二、难过的是当你遇上一个特别的人,却明白永远不可能在一起,或迟或早,你都不得不放弃。The sad thing is that when you meet someone special, but realize that it will never be together, sooner or later, you have to give up.

三、有时候,嘴上说的,跟心里想的压根不是同一回事。其实,我很需要你,只是,不敢打扰你。Sometimes, what you say is not the same thing as what you think. In fact, I need you very much, just, dare not disturb you.

四、很多时候,沉默并非是无话可说,而是一言难尽。——独木舟many times, silence is not nothing to say, but a long story to tell. - the canoe
