
发布时间:2023-06-10 06:19:18

今天是三好学生:好困 好饿 好想你!

Today is the Three Good Students: I'm so sleepy, so hungry, I miss you so much!


My hand is like your hand

作为小天使 是时候给你们看一下我的翅膀了ʚɞ

As a little angel, it's time to show you my wings ʚɞ

幸好我是一个小胖子 然后还可以摸摸小肚子

Fortunately, I am a little chubby and can still touch my belly

哎嘿 突然粗现噜(˵¯͒〰¯͒˵)

Hey, hey, suddenly there's a grunt( ˵ Å ͒ 〰 Å ͒˵)

可恶 眼睛皮在打架(๐•̆ ·̭ •̆๐)

Damn eye skin in a fight ̆ ·̭ •̆ Å)

可恶 眼睛皮在打架(๐•̆ ·̭ •̆๐)

Damn eye skin in a fight ̆ ·̭ •̆ Å)

如果困难重重 就紧紧拉住我的手૮₍ ⸝⸝ᐢ ᵕ ᐢ⸝⸝ ₎ა

If there are many difficulties, hold onto my hand tightly

如果困难重重 就紧紧拉住我的手૮₍ ⸝⸝ᐢ ᵕ ᐢ⸝⸝ ₎ა

If there are many difficulties, hold onto my hand tightly

°ʚ玛芬我啊 要飞走咯ɞ°

° ʚ Maven, I'm flying away ɞ °

你算什么 一秒忘记你小汁•᷅ࡇ•᷄

What are you forgetting your little juice in a second•᷅ࡇ•᷄


I am the overlord of the world of fools •̀֊•́

像我这种粘人的小宝宝受到一丝一毫的冷落心都会碎掉(つಠ╭╮ಠ つ

A clingy little baby like me will shatter her heart even if she is left in the slightest cold


I have already covered the blanket( ¦ 3 [▓▓▓] Just wait for you to say good night


My way of chasing people: wait for them to take the initiative to send a message

早起的感觉 魂飞魄散

The feeling of waking up early is overwhelming

给我转8元 我买AD钙奶 喝完长高高保护你

Transfer 8 yuan to me and I'll buy AD calcium milk. After drinking it, I'll protect you from growing taller
