动漫头像 || 可爱心动漫图
发布时间:2023-06-02 11:51:07
夜深人静的时候,每次都想问问自己是怎么做到学业感情两边误的In the dead of night, I always want to ask myself how to achieve academic and emotional mistakes achieve academic 听说人丑就要多读书,难怪我妈从小就说我不是读书的料I heard that if people are ugly, they need to read more. No wonder my mother has been saying since childhood that I am not good at reading昨天我的包被抢了,我很伤心,为了这件事我哭了这一个晚上我实在想不通,我到底哪里不如我的包
Yesterday my bag was robbed, and I was very sad. I cried all night for this matter. I can't figure out where my
刚刚在书店看到一本书叫《解决你人生50%的问题》,于是我买了两本I saw a book called "Solving 50% of Your Life's Problems" in the bookstore, so I bought two
刚下地铁就有两个男孩子跑过来找我问路,现在的男孩子真的很鸡贼,问个路都要找个漂亮的Just as I got off the subway, two boys came running over to ask me the way. The boys we have now are really good. Every