我被高山围绕 山水自为我祈祷
I am surrounded by mountains and rivers, praying for myself
I hope you and I are free and bright
每天开心 就会每天漂亮
Happy every day, beautiful every day
Getting what you want is the best surprise in the world
I don't have much expectation, I just hope to go to bed early and everything goes smoothly
你说你不出众 可我只看见了你
You said you're not outstanding, but I only saw you
日子渺小重复 却很幸福
The days are small and repetitive, but they are very happy
Be your own great artist
Make the wind heard from afar
无爱者永远自由 那就真诚炙热的去取悦自己
Loveless people are always free, so please yourself sincerely and passionately
没有常青树 做自己的自由花
No evergreen tree to be my own free flower
不依赖 不寄托 无所谓也无畏
No dependence, no sustenance, no care, no fear
Wait for the sun to set, the mountains to rise, winter to pass, spring to come, and the dust to settle
可我不是安徒生 续写不了我们的故事
But I'm not Andersen. I can't continue our story