云间的天使啊 让我看见你的笑颜·II
发布时间:2025-02-27 02:53:08
云间的天使啊 让我看见你的笑颜·II
The AngelAt Eden\'s gateway, downward spying,A gentle-hearted Angel shone;A dark rebellious Demon flyingPassed over Hell\'s abyss and on. The Spirit of doubt and of rejectionBeheld that Spirit clean and true;And warmth unwilling of affectionThen first, uneasily, he knew. \"Farewell!\" he cried, \"I saw thy vision.Thou hast not shone on me in vain.All heav\'n I hold not in derision,Nor all on earth do I disdain.\"\n#治愈系插画 #云 #天使宝宝 #天使 #天使的翅膀 #天使指引 #angel #梦幻 #梦幻联动 #AI插画 #羽毛 #梦境