「今日壁纸」谢菲尔德的欧洲蜜蜂, 英格兰

发布时间:2023-05-22 01:56:59

谢菲尔德的欧洲蜜蜂, 英格兰

© Deborah Vernon/Alam



European honeybees in Sheffield, England

© Deborah Vernon/Alam

A bevy of buzzers. World Bee Day

As flowers bloom in springtime, you'll hear the soft hum of bees buzzing from blossom to blossom. World Bee Day coincides with this peak pollination period and falls on the birthday of Anton Janša, a Slovenian pioneer of modern beekeeping. Bees are plant pollinators, which makes them vital to our terrestrial ecosystem. While feeding, they gather pollen to take back to their hives. Some of this pollen gets carried from plant to plant, helping them to reproduce and yield better crops. Bees attend to over 90% of our top 107 crops, so the label 'busy bee' is no myth! Bee populations worldwide have declined, so today, let's support our industrious friends by reducing pesticide use, growing native plants and letting them go about their work in peace.
