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I smile. Anytime I'm sad or happy, all I'm left with is a smile.
Play with life, don't take it too seriously, anyway, no one can leave this game alive in the end.
I hate bitter things the most, but you are sweet so I will eat you.
It was at that moment that all of a sudden sadness flooded into my heart, and my heart was empty.
Strong girls will cry, but they will never admit defeat.坚强的女孩子是会哭,但绝不会认输。
I still can't forget him, every time the suona rang, I thought it was him who left.
Free fortune-telling, just bring a selfie, to help you test if your future girlfriend is me, very accurate!
免费算命,只需要带上自拍一张,帮你测测未来的女朋友是不是我,很准!Free fortune-telling, just bring a selfie, to help you test if your future girlfriend is me, very accurate!免费算命,只需要带上自拍一张,帮你测测未来的女朋友是不是我,很准!
I smile. Anytime I'm sad or happy, all I'm left with is a smile.
Play with life, don't take it too seriously, anyway, no one can leave this game alive in the end.
I hate bitter things the most, but you are sweet so I will eat you.
It was at that moment that all of a sudden sadness flooded into my heart, and my heart was empty.

Strong girls will cry, but they will never admit defeat.坚强的女孩子是会哭,但绝不会认输。
I still can't forget him, every time the suona rang, I thought it was him who left.
Free fortune-telling, just bring a selfie, to help you test if your future girlfriend is me, very accurate!
免费算命,只需要带上自拍一张,帮你测测未来的女朋友是不是我,很准!Free fortune-telling, just bring a selfie, to help you test if your future girlfriend is me, very accurate!免费算命,只需要带上自拍一张,帮你测测未来的女朋友是不是我,很准!
I smile. Anytime I'm sad or happy, all I'm left with is a smile.
Play with life, don't take it too seriously, anyway, no one can leave this game alive in the end.
I hate bitter things the most, but you are sweet so I will eat you.
It was at that moment that all of a sudden sadness flooded into my heart, and my heart was empty.
It's lonely, even if a dog talks to me, I'm afraid I'll fall in love.

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