发布时间:2023-05-10 23:18:19
- 下次不迷路

Summer is coming to an end, and we will talk about the rest in autumn.You have to restrain your heterosexual circle, and you have to become more considerate of each other's feelings.你得约束自己的异性圈,你也要变得更体贴对方的感受。But if you just want to find a relationship that can lie down, then give up as soon as possible.但如果只是想找一段能躺平的恋爱关系的话,那还是趁早死心吧。You have people you want to meet no matter how hot you are, and I have a car that you want to practice with no matter how hot you are.I really want to stay mysterious, but I can't keep my mouth shut.
1I want to give you a book of meditations, but the one who should know where to go is me.Until now, I am still happy for your presence.Stop scolding people, I just planned to make a stinky treasure for the person I liked, and it has become stinky. Now it's better, I can only send a friend application.少骂点人吧,刚才打算给喜欢的人发臭宝,发成臭比了,现在好了,只能发好友申请了。You can hate something, but you have to allow it to exist and others to like it.你可以讨厌某种东西,但你必须允许它的存在和别人喜欢它。