发布时间:2023-05-10 10:28:31
·你认识我的时候我已经是这个样子,是个符合或者不符合你想法的成品,你也无法参与我的成长,不能看到我从不懂事到懂事,从不温柔到温柔,所以,你认识的,喜欢的终究只是半个我,你不能理解我各种奇怪的忌讳,无法明白我的坚持,放弃,隐忍,等待。但希望最后,你还是会选择我,会找到我,拥抱我 。When you know me, I am already like this, a finished product that conforms to or does not conform to your ideas, and you cannot participate in my growth, and you cannot see that I have gone from not understanding to understanding, from not being gentle to being gentle, so what you know and like is only half of me after all, you can't understand my various strange taboos, can't understand my persistence, give up, endure, and wait. But hopefully, in the end, you will still choose me, find me, and embrace me.
.总有一天,我也会变老,时间掩盖了我的热情,吞噬了我的纯真,收回了我的童趣,但它抹不去我的快乐,我的愿望是:现在当个快乐的女孩,中年时当个快乐的阿姨,老年时当个快乐的老太婆。总之,拥有快乐的一生。One day, I will also grow old, time has covered up my enthusiasm, devoured my innocence, withdrawn my childlike taste, but it cannot erase my happiness, my wish is: to be a happy girl now, a happy aunt in middle age, and a happy old woman in old age. In short, have a happy life.
·能够不理会的,我们一概不理会。出生入死,沉浮于最富色彩的经验中,我们还是我们,一尘不染,维持着每日的生活典型。有时候仿佛有点反常,然而仔细分析起来,还是一贯作风。What we can ignore is ignored. Born into death, immersed in the most colorful experiences, we are still us, spotless, maintaining the typical daily life. Sometimes it seems a little abnormal, but when analyzed carefully, it is still consistent.
