发布时间:2025-01-22 16:56:30
这个女人总是有很多自我管理的习惯,比如洗完澡必涂身体乳,每天早上第一件事是饮尽一杯温水,每天认真按摩头皮梳理秀发……my babe has a lot of self-management habits, such as always applying body lotion after taking a bath, drinking warm water, and combing her hair every day.
天生丽质还坚持后天管理,我上一世一定做了很多善事才拥有了她!I must have done a lot of good deeds in my last life to have this swan!
我趁姐姐洗澡的时候把她的浴巾放在电热毯下面捂热,等她出来迎接她的,是滚烫的男大和温暖的浴巾!!!I put my honey's bath towel under the electric blanket to keep it warm while she was in the shower, and when she came out to be greeted by a sexy young man and warm bath towel!!!!
显然她很喜欢这个小细节!!!夸了我很多遍,说我很细心,为了奖励我,可以把涂身体乳这件事交给我做,并且我的手更大,涂抹更均匀,她不用再忙上忙下,只需要躺在沙发上盖着毯子看剧就好,这简直是双赢!!!Apparently she loves it!As a reward, I can be given the job of applying the body lotion,I am so excited about it! I love her!
我终于成功解锁为姐姐涂身体乳的权限啦!!!!!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈我是世界上最幸福的男人!!!!!I am the luckiest man in the world !
#姐弟恋 #好闻的身体乳有哪些 #两性关系 #身体乳 #恋爱日常 #情侣 #抽象 #女朋友 #女友视角 #所以爱到底是什么呢