
发布时间:2025-01-21 11:18:41












来泉州旅行,一定要体验蟳埔簪花!这里是隐藏在闽南的宝藏渔村,蟳埔女的传统头饰超美。娇艳的花朵插满头,一步一摇,风情万种。簪上花,做一日蟳埔女,感受这份独特浪漫。 #蟳埔女 #蟳埔簪花 #泉州旅行#做头上带花的埔女 #总要拍一次簪花吧 #不愧是簪花 In Xunpu, Embrace the Romance of the sea and Flowers When traveling in Quanzhou, experiencing the flower - adorned hairstyles of Xunpu is a must! This is a hidden gem of a fishing village in southern Fujian. The traditional headdresses of Xunpu women are extremely beautiful. With delicate flowers adorning their heads, every step is full of charm. Put on the flowers, be a Xunpu woman for a day, and feel this unique romance.