ipad壁纸 | 就这样吧,从此山水不相逢
发布时间:2022-07-09 21:43:19
cr:图片源自网络 抱歉未找到出处
英文文案:1、错的人就是错的人从来不会因为你能忍或者能多熬点时间就变成对的人——《解忧杂货店》the wrong person is the wrong person never just because you can endure or can endure a little more time to become the right person.
2、当你奇怪,他为什么对你忽冷忽热的时候,他可能正在为另一个人赴汤蹈火。When you wonder why he is hot and cold to you, he may be going through fire and water for another person.

3、就这样吧,我不希望以一个不堪的、疯了一样的泼妇形象留在最后,我记得我来的时候,挺可爱的。just like that, I don't want to be a bad, crazy bitch left at the end, I remember when I came, pretty cute.
4、后来,每次想到年幼的自己都觉得很可笑,想什么不好,偏偏想要快点长大。later, every time I think of young oneself feel very funny, think what is not good, just want to grow up quickly.
