小黄人打报告 | 表情包
发布时间:2023-04-14 09:54:57
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Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass . it's about learning to dance in the rain.A lot of times you don't push yourself, and you don't know that you still have the ability to screw things up.很多时候你不逼自己一把,你就不知道你还有能把事情搞砸的本事。Complicate what I think, it means you're not much better.
Someone bragged to me just now that she had ten times as many boyfriends as me, and I laughed, 10×0=0.刚才有个人给我吹牛说她交过的男朋友是我的十倍,我笑了,10×0=0。I went and I really took it, which old 6 talked about my partner!If you have something to call, don't worry about hundreds of people, I will solve half of it for you as soon as I arrive, half of you and half of me.有事儿打电话,别管几百人,我一到场就替你解决一半,一半打你 一半打我。You are fashionable, leave me alone in the countryside to herd cattle.Stop hanging out with my best friend, there are a few good things to play with me.