When a person can no longer make you happy and can't provide you with emotional value, let alone have any positive impact on you, the existence of Ta doesn't make much sense.
But a lot of girls are stuck in relationships for a long time, remembering the good times they used to get along with, and being hit hard by the reality of being separated at the moment, and the extreme pulling and torturing of the two emotions is emotional internal friction.
And the scariest thing is that a long period of time and a long period of internal friction can plunge you into the negative emotions you set up, and you analyze the other person's behavior and attitude over and over again and deny that your daily state is muddled, which is more pointless than physical tiredness for a long time, so we have to leave in time and never be trapped in the present.

你不该一言不发你的眼睛太冷漠我读不出真心我想把我天所经历的所有小事 全都分享给你可我讨厌已读不回讨厌你只回答我最后一个问题如果你经常敷行我那我的情绪好看的云朵可爱的小猫我都不会再分享给你了

我用了整整一个晚 上,来回忆我们的点点滴滴。我想了很多很多,可能真的是我错了。我打扰你那么久,给你带来了精神上的压力,让你很累,我只知道我不想失去你,也许没有我,你会更快乐。很抱歉这段时I间的打扰,我知道你要离开了,你放心吧,我宁愿一个人默默承受,我也不在去打扰你了。你都已经不想理我了,也给了我明确的态度,就等着我自己识相的离开,我还执迷不悟的纠缠着你。我卑微的样子或许既可笑,又可悲。我会消失的走走停停,青春已过读懂了人心,看透了生活。这一年里我哭过累过,怕过,忍过,痛过。我不在乎会失去谁。但唯独怕失去你。思而不语,念而不忘,想而不见,爱而不得。情若能自控,要心有何用心若能自控,何苦要心动?爱若能自控,何苦要心痛?情到深处自然浓,爱到深处自然痛。我没后悔遇见你,只是很遗憾,很遗憾没能成为你的偏爱和例外。而你却成了我爱而不得的无奈,再见了,我曾经深爱的那个你,三生有幸遇见你纵使悲凉也是情,我走了,你安好愿我余生不在见你,

你的每一个‘点赞’ 和‘再看’