
发布时间:2022-06-24 13:07:31




“ 一 个 有 温 度 de 公 众 号 ”



 凌晨零一点,小雨下了一点,我把天空点了点,星星还是有一点,空气里细密的相思点,是否连接了爱情的时间点,亲爱的,能否点一点,幸福的笑脸。At one o'clock in the morning, light rain a little, I point the sky, the stars or a little, the air of the ACACIA point, whether to connect the time point of love, dear, can point, happy smile.

我向你道歉,没有征得你的同意,我暗恋你两年了。为发表示我的歉意,我送的玫瑰花请收下,如果你不介意,顺便把那个戒指也戴上。I apologize for not asking your permission. I've had a crush on you for two years. Please accept the roses as a token of my apology, and if you don't mind, put that ring on as well.

所谓爱情,就是有那么一个人,可以轻易控制你的情绪,前一刻让你哭,下一刻又让你笑。真正的爱情,就是这样:当我们都老了,我还是会记得你当初让我心动的样子。The so-called love, is that there is a person, you can easily control your emotions, a moment before you cry, the next moment and let you laugh. True Love, is like this: When we are old, I will still remember you at the beginning of my heart.

懂得成人之美,既成全了别人,也成全了自己;既给别人带来了机会,也为自己开拓了更广阔的空间;既使别人感到了满意,也实现了自我的解脱和释然。Understanding the beauty of adulthood, not only to fulfill others, but also to fulfill their own; not only to others, but also to open up a broader space for themselves; even if others feel satisfied, but also to achieve self-liberation and relief.

有多少我爱你,最后成了对不起。有多少对不起,最后都是没关系。有多少没关系,最后说了谢谢你。爱是默契,不是强求。只要爱过,就无悔。祝爱情幸福!How much I love you, finally became sorry. How much I'm sorry, it doesn't matter in the end. It doesn't matter how much, finally said thank you. Love is tacit understanding, not forced. As long as you have loved, there is no regret. Happy Love!

当你在说着你和别人的故事时,你可知道,我想和你有一段故事 。When you are talking about your story with others, do you know, I want to have a story with you.

如果,一滴水代表一句我爱你,我会送你一个东海!如果,一个星星代表一个祝福,我会送你一条银河!如果有被感动,非常愿意常伴你左右。If, a drop of water on behalf of a I love you, I will send you a east China Sea! If, a star represents a blessing, I will send you a galaxy! If there are touched, very willing to always be around you.

身边总有朋友跟我说,不要在一棵树上吊死。放眼过去,我们身边有一片森林,可是又有谁能够明白,我的心里眼里都只有你这一棵树。纵有万千棵树又怎么样,除了你哪怕森林在茂盛我都觉得是秋风萧瑟。I always have friends around me who say, “Don't hang your hat on one tree.”. Look past, we have a forest around, but who can understand, my heart eyes are only you this tree. Even if there are thonds of trees so what, in addition to you even in the lush forest I feel is the autumn wind bleak.

In the past, about you, come to an end. About the future, about me, stay tuned.


画师:↓ 木木丫 阿盐(xhs)

图文源自网络 侵删

